Savvy Budget
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
June 27th
What did I do to save money so far this week? It has been a bag of mixed results. Today I spent about $15 eating out. I did take my breakfast and a home bottled drink and yet ended up stopping and buying more drinks and food. The heat did play a small part.
Tonight, I packed my lunch. I could not find my mini cooler but I did find a medium size insulated lunch bag. It hold 2 soda bottles ( I have two filled with water and freezing right now) and has enough room left over for sandwiches or as I packed tonight, a nice salad and salad dressing in those tiny tupperware containers. I went ahead and packaged up two more salads as that is what I had left from my .89 salad box. 3 meals for .89. SWEET! That will more than cover my lunches for the rest of the week.
Monday was more productive. I called the credit union that holds an account I use to use for my EF years ago. The account had only a little over $100 left. At my job last year I started a $25 each payday direct deposit. I left that job soon after. I decided to use this account to build my main EF. When I went in Monday the account had $109. ???????
I had moved and did not get around to changing my address with the credit union. Well... I discovered they had been withdrawing $10 each quarter due to the incorrect address! WTF??? That is the stupidest reason I have ever seen to charge a fee.
Anyway, I went in to change the address and ask about the $10. Their response was the fact that they had mailed me notice that they were going to begin withdrawing $10 due to the incorrect address. LOL- You guessed it, I was so dumb founded I just looked at the loan officer who was supposed to be helping me. She looked at me like this was very reasonable. I mean, if they had simply said they had been unable to notify me of the change in policy and that I was going to be charged I would have understood. But to mail a notice to the same address they had been unable to deliver mail to and to really expect me to receive it is silly.
I did not say a word and she got up and walked out. I sat back. When she returned, said if I deposited the same amount they had withdrawn they would refund the money to my account.
Part of me said BS. Part of me said, "Hey, you were going to deposit $70 and they only want you to deposit $60. Easy way to just be done with this issue." I decided not to argue the point since I was getting the wanted result. I deposited the money from my EF jar and they refunded $60 in fees.
I still have a few questions. They refused to verify that only $60 had been deducted, in fact the woman ( I swiped one of her business cards when she walked out on me) got up and walked out of the office after getting snippy with me. At that point, she decided to demand my driver's license. ( nice way to TRY and intimidate me- I am not done with her yet.) I had been polite and courteous especially since it was my fault for not updating my address with them. She repeatedly cut me off and treated me like I was bouncing checks because I never checked my balance. I even admitted I was responsible for the address issue. She was just rude.
I will be looking into this and will not hesitate to report her snippy attitude. I did not even ask to have the funds refunded. I told her I wanted to ask about them and she got huffy. She made the offer but then refused to verify that only the $60 refunded was deducted. I was in a hurry, since I was using my lunch break and needed to get back to work. After leaving, I realized that this balance did not seem correct.
At least, I have restarted a long term emergency fund. It currently has $320. The baby step emergency fund has $1000 in it.
Also on Monday I did very well about not eating out. I ended up working very late. I was disciplined enough to stop at a Wal-Mart and pick up a .38 yogurt. The only extra money I spent while there was .88 for a seam ripper, hem gauge and snips. I needed the seam ripper and one by itself was $1.94. I think I did decent. I really need to start using that cooler.
Currently I have $25 to use toward gas until payday. Payday is Friday. I want to use this payday's mileage for all of July's gas and to cover July's insurance. I have my car tags due in July. I estimate car tags will be $150. This check's mileage will only be a little over $400. I could wait until the second mileage check to pay insurance and tags.
I would rather pay the tags early in July as this cuts down the wait time considerably. I want to walk in and walk out in less than 30 minutes. Especially since it is an hour to the license dept..Sooo... If I budget $75 a week ( 6 years ago, I never thought I would be budgeting $75 a week for gas. Heck, a year ago, I was only budgeting $50 a week and I drove daily as part of my job.) That would leave me with $300 for gas and maybe 125 for tags. hmmmm maybe mid month would not be so bad. We'll see how things go. I know I have one day I will be in an all day meeting. My other car that gets bad gas mileage has plenty of gas in it. I plan to drive that car on the meeting day. It is less than 10 miles from my home and I can save the gas still in my everyday car.
I have decided that instead of taking the entire month's gas allowance and carrying with me in my wallet, I will divide it into 4 envelopes. And only carry that week's allotment with me.I noticed that I tend to dip into it since it is so easy. And the whole idea is SAVE money. I am also thinking about what to do with any gas money left over during a given week. Maybe I will add it to my long term emergency fund.
I have a certificate for a free $25 deposit in a new account. I need to open that account this week. I may crown this one the Freedom Account. This account would be money I set aside for enjoyment such as vacation, extra gifts, wedding expenses etc. I have not decided the criteria for deposits but I see no need to throw the $25 away and a Freedom Account would assist me in budgeting for those extra's.
Today I made another gallon and a half of tea. I have estimated each gallon of tea saves me about $2 vs the soda I normally buy. I went ahead and put $2 in the EF jar. :)
I also received 3 coupons in the mail. Last week, I called a company that manufactures a frozen bagged meal. When I prepare the meal, it was n-a-s-t-y. I called the company to let them know. They sent 2 coupons for free bags of frozen products and one for Carnation Instant breakfast ( $1 off) they don't expire until late next year. In the coupon file they will go. More on my coupon work at a later date.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Another Step in The Right Direction
I emailed the woman in charge of assisting me with my Stupid Debt. I will give her 48 hrs as her voicemail indicates to respond. In the mean time, I decided to be proactive. I filled out as much of the forms as I could without the misssing information. I discovered that out of 16 pages, I have completed 10 pages. On the remaining 6 pages, I filled out what I could. I highlighted one spot that I wanted to ask specific questions about when I speak with her. Since all the pages are numbered, I decided to pull pages with blanks and place them on top. I put a big spring clip on the whole package as I would hate to lose a page when I am this close.
I also decided my two points of focus for the week are doing exceptionally well at work and completing this package of information. All else can slide.
I found the paper work to take the next step toward obliterating my Stupid Debt!!! I have been looking for months and have called the company three times trying to have it resent. No repsonse at all from them. UGHHH
SO, tonight I am emailing the person in charge and requesting the last bit of information I need to get the ball rolling. I will then make sure I complete the information, copy it and have it in the mail by Wednesday morning. What a relief!! I am excited to be taking a step closer to financial peace. :) In 6 loooong months I should be through with this tremendous hurdle. YEAH!! Thank you, God!!
Sunday June 25th
Updated 2006 goals
- Grow closer to God- This is important to me on many levels and you can't beat HIS retirement plan. :)
- Emergency Fund baby step of $1000- Done :)
- Pay off Stupid Debt of $5000 and catch up a serious obligation related to Stupid Debt
- Establish a cleaning routine. I like the Flylady and her Flyzones.
- Know I am giving 100% at work and that it is noticed and appreciated
- Roll over my old 401K to my new company AND contribute at the maximum matched contribution.
- Develope an effective plan for advancing my career and income
- Establish everyday routines to live an organized life.
- Maximize my health and minimize my weight. A size 18 is the goal by end of the year.
- Build a firm foundation of knowledge on sensible and realistic investing.
I ahve also been giving some thought to 2007's goals. Here are a few:
- Continue my journey in the right direction with God
- Obliterate my CC debt
- Continue to improve and maintain my health. I have a health issue that really needs adressing. This year I will resolve it.
- Increase my contribution toward my retirement. I would like to be contributing 25% of my net income.
- Build my EF to 3 months of expenses- All the easier if I continue to decrease my expenses.
- Develope a long term romantic relationship
- Live an organized existance
- Advance my career.
- Complete initial electrolysis- Something just for me :)
- Increase my income by a minimum of 10%
- Be beautiful- Hey, I never said I wasn't vain.
- A POA in effect for aquiring my next vehicle- That little car with the damage is just going to have to suck it up along with my pride.
Weekly Round UP
Let's cover this week
1) Had two accident to my car :( One was my fault and I owned up to it and paid the person. One was passive. My drunken neighbor hit my car a couple of times with her big ol' honking SUV. The issue is unsettled at this point.
2) I ate out more than I should have $$$$
3) I noticed I am becoming more disciplined YEAH!!
4) I did start my Father's birthday gift. It is a BIG snack and convenience food gift basket. He LOVES these especially as his birthday is right at the time he goes on his annual 3 week vacation. The basket saves him a great deal on snacks and light meals. I buy the items at little to no cost with double coupons, sales and a nose for killer bargains.
An example would be the 6 cans of pringles I purchased for .25 each. They are well in date. Why were they such a bargain? They were at a small convenience store out in the deep country where apparently the customers don't care for white cheddar cheese. Cha Ching -I bought those 3 days ago. It pays to pay attention where every you go. My dad loves Pringles.
Another example is a 6 pack of Dasani water I received for free. Plopped them right in the basket. I carry pre-filled bottles from home and I am concentrating on saving money right now. The rate of return on investing those water bottles in the gift basket is very good.
I also received a huge bag of Cheese Nips, several candy bars and some of his favorite stew at no out of pocket expense. In the basket they went. The basket itself is very nice. I picked it up at a church yardsale for .25. This basket is pretty big too. I still need acquire more items to finish filling it out. So far, I have $2 invested in the gift. A little creativity goes a long way when saving money.
5) I picked up a minimum of 4 complete outfits at my church's Trash and Treasures. I also found 6 white shirts and several other various shirts that will allow me to stretch several more pants and skirts throughout this year and next year. Most were pristine and a couple had spots that Oxyclean brought back to like new condition. I can not tell you how much I love Oxyclean. I invest in it regular and it pays huge dividends. Maybe I should buy stock in the company too.
We dress business casual at work so all of these are very appropriate. There was also a dressy black top that I can pair with a pair of black pants and have a elegant ensemble for an evening out. Not bad for .50 for each article of clothing.
6) I have improved my realistic sense of what is and what is not a good cash investment in my day to day life. I was decent before but it is always nice to reach a new level of competency.
7) I did panic quite a few times at the prospect of paying off all my debt, living well and saving for retirement. I keep reminding myself to take it one step at a time and with diligence, I will get there. I realize I have made some errors, luckily, none that were too awful and that I am dedicated and intelligent enough to continue plodding along. At the very worst, I will be better off than I would have been previously. My biggest regret is that I am a 36 year old woman and time is slipping away. I was much better off 10 years ago.
8) I am increasing my cooking at home. I used to be very good about this but in the last 5 years slipped away from using this skill. My hips can attest.
9) I made the decision to make a velvet and satin quilt for two of my sisters next year. Both of them would love them and they would be useful. My plan includes what velvet and satin I have on hand plus acquiring more at my church's T&T. With the sale in July most people could care less about velvet.
Between this year and next I plan to acquire enough to make two quilts at a total cost of less that $20. Yep- I have written it and I am committed. This means I will need to work diligently for the next year and a half to gather, design, cut, piece and assemble two quilts. The whole project should save me approximately $100 compared to what I would have spent in cash. It will definitely cost me more in effort and time. I hope this project turns out well or it will be for naught. ( isn't it satisfying to be able to finally use that phrase?)
10) I noticed an improvement in my diligence at work. Very Nice!
Remaining employed is definately a good step toward being debt free.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
By Jinkies this is working!
I have noticed an increased awarenes of spending and saving. it hasn't been perfect or even well-honed but it has increased. I have noticed that I have been able to walk away from more purchases than in the past. I've been more aware of the trade off of purchases or incurred expenses and I have been preparing myself to earn more money.
I have fallen short and consumed more meals away from home. I have been improving again slightly as I realize the compounded effect it has on my goals.
This has had an effect on my thought process. I find myself taking the time to plan and prepare. I even filled a few empty blastic bottles for ice packs/cold water in my lunch bag. I've been mentally savoring more home prepared items . I have made deciscions to NOT buy items I "needed." Instead, I have been making due and noticing ways I could make do in the future.
Take my desire for a new wardrobe. I decided not to work so hard to set funds aside for these purchases. How is that going to get me ahead? Good question. I plan to take those funds and efforts and reallocate them toward eradicating my Stupid Debt. That is my next goal as I have finised my baby EF.
I decided I do not need as many outfits as I thought for my current size. I realized that by planning my work week so that I am out of the office all day one or two days a week, I can wear the same outfits or particular clothing item more than once in a week. Of course they will be cleaned between wearings. I am considering selling some of the larger sizes at an upcoming YS. Every little bit helps as I knock down the SD monster of $5000.
Take a really great pair of black pants I own that look good with about four blouses. I can wear them on my Monday in the office day. Then Wednesday I can wear them with a different top and be in the field all day. Come Friday, I could theoretically wear them again with a different top. I really want to wear them out as much as I can before I can no longer wear them.
I doubt I will go so far as to wear them 3 times each week, but using this same principle with other items will stretch what I have allowing me to save a few items I have been wearing that are a bit snug until I am a smaller size. then instead of wearing them out now, they will be available to wear when they are in fact more flattering. I can also wear less flattering outfits when I am on all day junkets in the country.
I also picked up 3 outfits at a yard sale for $1 each. Three outfits for $3! That is over half my week right there and they are cute too. They are two sizes too small right now. With my current limited clothing choices, I find myself working harder to drop into the next lower size. When I am tempted by a soda ( empty calories) or a unhealthy meal choice, I realize that not only does it cost me for the food, it cost me more in my wardrobe budget. I want cute clothes so this inspires me to save. I also find myself more willing to walk a few blocks as it takes me a little closer to a better wardrobe down the road. All the while remembering every dollar not spent is available for debt repayment.
I believe this blog is assisting me if in no other way than I am more aware of the choices I make. To quote a very wealthy woman, "That's a good thing."
Think, think, think - June 24th 2006
As I posted earlier, my car has a couple dents now. I am very bummed. I was planning on running this car into the ground and buy a new one in about 5 years. I had very serious plans to drive until the odometer reads 300,000 miles. It is currently at 156,000.
The car still runs well, but at 10 years old, putting the repair money into it doesn't seem as cost efficient. I could put that money in an account and continue to add to it from my mileage. The major down side is that I would be driving a crappy looking car. The frugalist in me says drive it anyway. I need to find some middle ground.
I also do not have the money for the repairs yet. The girl may not pay for the damages she inflicted. I have decided to have faith in the woman and not let it stress me too much.
I am still thinking about how I want to handle the funds if they should appear. On top of that I did not get an estimate today because the man I want to fix my car is not available this weekend. The plan is now to get an estimate elsewhere and send it to him and try to get to his area this week and let him look at it.He will then write an estimate that he feels matches the actual damage.
I like him. He is honest,diligent and the work he does is flawless. He also does his best to keep the expenses to a minimum. He feels if he does an honest and fair job then he will prosper. I try to refer as much work to him as I can because I believe in his philosophy and I am impressed with the quality of his work. I have paid more for less.
Friday, June 23, 2006
I can't believe it. I went outside this morning and someone really smashed into my car. No note or anything. I traced it back to the SUV across from my car in the parking lot- sure enough, MY red paint was on her bumper.There was even a chunk hanging from it that perfectly matched the spot missing paint on my car door. I went and knocked on her door. She came to the door looked in the peep hole then did not answer until I banged on the door.
I first thought she was going to put on a robe or something. I had to knock twice more 10 minutes later. When she answered the door, I could smell the beer so strong it was obvious she had been drunk when she came in. That or she downed a 12 pack during the 10 minutes I was waiting for her to answer the door. Yes, it was that strong.
She said she did not think she had hit my car. I confronted her with the red paint on her bumper she apologized and stated she now remembered driving to the store late last night ( let me guess.. for some more beer?). From 4 foot away the smell of beer was enough to knock me down. That certainly explains part of the accident. She said she would turn it in on her insurance and give me her insurance information later.
She also said she had to be at work in 45 minutes so she did not have time to do it immediately. She was still home when I left for work an hour later and still home when I came back for lunch. She must have been sleeping it off all day.
I took pictures and flicked the paint into a baggie. I am giving her until I get the esimate on Saturday. If I don't hear something I will call them myself.
When I examined it closer, it is evident she hit right beind the door very hard, then while trying to maneuver away, hit the door twice. I hate hulking SUV's for just this reason. She did not even have the decency to let me know. On top of that, she woke me up 3 times last night as she stood yelling at her dog right outside my window. Little did I know not only is she rude she is a bad drunk driver. Is there such a thing as a good drunk driver??
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
June 21st - Saved money
What did I do to save money today?? I invested the time to put up window coverings in my kitchen. Quit snickering.
I do think it was a fair investment of $2.25 and 30 minutes. I pulled the blinds all the way up. I unfolded an emergency blanket purchased from Walmart. I tacked the sheet of Mylar up so that it covered the window and lowered the blind. I hade enough left over to cover most of the second window. I decided to leave the botttom of the second window uncovered as I raise that window from time to time. I may cover it completely if I have enough left over from covering the Bedroom windows.
The emergency blanket is made of Mylar and is silver on both sides.
They are found in camping equipment at your local Wal-Mart for $1.98.
I also discovered it is thin enough that you can see out if you are close to the window. They do let in some light but not a whole lot. We will see how it goes. I also decided that I should tape all the way around the window by winter to save on heating cost. I need to get 2 more emergency blankets.
I like this experiment so far. The silver sheen should reflect a great deal of the sunshine resulting in a cooler home and less shocking power bill. The sheet of mylar itself also adds to my privacy. I saved additionally by not needing to put up actual curtains in the kitchen. The blinds are sufficent and they cover the Mylar efficiently- so I have privacy, cooling and savings on Widow treatments. Seems good so far.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I knew it, I just knew. I have had a forboding sense of an upcoming crash and today proves I was right. Not a stock crash, a car crash. And I was at fault.
I was sitting right behind a car waiting on the light so that we both could turn right. I was maybe two foot away.I don't know if my foot slipped or what but all of a sudden I banged right into her bumper. It scratched it pretty good too. Not horrible but not so lightly you could buff it out with some rubbing compound either.
I was hoping she would say," Don't worry about it." But she didn't. And she had every right. I don't begrudge her at all. She was minding her own business and I was the one who scratched her bumper. Luckily, it was a 1999 model.I quickly did the math on higher premiums (I am 4 months away from a spotless driving record for insurance purposes).I offered her $250 cash. I figure that was more than enough to repair the damage and leave her ahead. It also left me with less of a headache and not only stable premiums, but also allowed my premium to drop at the next renewal. Or at least not increase as much. I'll settle for not being cancelled and a continued shot at gaining and maintaining a clean record. In my line of work it is an asset when job hunting
I have had a eerie sense of an upcoming accident and I hope this was it. I am very cautious. I wasn't distracted or even talking on the cell phone. But I am $250 poorer. I took the funds out of my car expense account.
The damage to my car was a busted running light/ turn signal light. Please, oh please, be available at a junk yard for $5 and easy to remove and reinstall.Now I need to come up with some system to recoup the $250. I am thinking something on the lines of for every soda I eliminate, put a dollar in a jar, for every hour I go without a cigarette but a dime in a jar. Those two alone would net me $3-$4 a day. At $3 a day, it would take me about 84 days to pay off this accident. Hmmmm
Sunday, June 18, 2006
One Goal Down
I did it. I added the final $100 to my initial emergency fund. It is now at $1000. YEAH!! :::inset confetti toss:::
On to the next goal of paying off Stupid Debt estimated at $5000.
I also rolled $70 in quarters. NO, I am not so hard up I had to roll change to buy groceries. I did not rob a pay phone.
I have a jar. Not just any jar, but a "magic" jar. What's so magic about this jar? Glad you asked. Every time I save money I add a quarter to this jar. According to my calculations, this means I have saved money 280 times since the last time I emptied the jar. At a conservative estimate, this equals $280 I saved. I know it is more but each quarter represents a minimum of $1 saved by not spending.
If I resist eating out lunch, I put in a quarter. The real savings is more like $5. If I make a gift, cook instead of eating out when I want to, Buy an outfit at a thrift for say $3 instead of paying retail, resist a soda or drink home made sweet tea, pack my own lunch etc... I put a quarter in the jar and just like magic I have added to EF.
When the jar is full, I roll the quarters and deposit them in my bigger EF. Right now it is not as big as the initial EF with $1000, but just wait.
I keep this account at a credit union that is a bit of a pain to access. It helps me resist taking funds out. As a matter of fact, it was not even touched while I was out of work for 4 months last year or the 1 month between jobs this year. Had it been easier to access I would have tapped it out the first week.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
WOOHOO- I am so looking forward to Friday
A) it's payday
B) I make the final addition to my $1000 EF- THAT STEP WILL BE FINISHED- I will have accomplished a goal! YEAH ME
C) it's Friday and that alone is worth a whoo hoo.
Another Whoo Hoo- I was cleaning out my closet looking for items to donate to my church's yard sale. I discovered I have an extensive wardrobe!!
There is one catch. ( always a catch isn't there?) This extensive wardrobe is one, two and three sizes too small. Is this bad?? Eh.. not such a bad thing. I am so set on saving money AND having a nice wardrobe that I just found my motivation to start losing weight. As a matter of fact.... I plan to do my favorite thing.
Uh... ok, one of my top ten favorite things .What is that? Develope a POA. Heck, I just love typing POA. It makes me feel powerful. I am WOMAN, hear me roar! I am invincible, see me POA!
Ok, back to reality. One of my long term goals is to have a great wardrobe.Tadah, I have one. I just can not utilize it as of yet.
Actually, I have two and a half. As I mentioned these clothes span three sizes. I have almost a full wardrobe in the first two sizes and a few for the smallest size, which is my goal size. This is good news in numerous ways. I have plenty of clothes to transition through each size without making major purchases. I will need to take an evening and inventory the items and see exactly how many outfits I can put together.
My wardrobe plan also includes listing other items I need. I find keeping a list of desired/ needed items helpful. This allows me to save money by being on the lookout for really good bargains. How many times have you kicked yourself for not buying an item when you could have aquired it for a steal? This can happen with any item, not just clothing. It also helps cut down on purchasing items you do not need. I find a working needs/desires list a money saving tool.
Just having the fantastic wardrobe feels good. This means the money I was going to budget toward a needed new wardrobe can be put toward something else. See, it really pays to buy quality classics. I am a sucker for Linen.To make it better most of these are items I purchased at thrift stores. All of these items were high quality and VERY inexpensive.
Of course, there are a few more items I will need to purchase. Most of these items are foundation garments. Not needing to purchase an entire wardrobe will allow me to spend more on quality over a shorter period of time. Just as important, I have just saved a considerable amount of time. And as we all know time is money. So tonight has been win, win, win. I am a very happy person.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Short,Mid and Long Term Goals
I have been thinking today. I decided now was an excellent time to evaluate my goals.
- House repaired, emptied and seriously on the market
- Stupid Debt under control- All paperwork turned in, and an estimated cost projected
- half the funds to cover stupid debt raised- $2500
- Wear 18/20
- Enrolled in 401K and health benefits
- Improved work and recreation wardrobe- 5 outfits
- Sell house- signed, sealed and bu-bye
- Stupid Debt under control
- Refridgerator/ freezer empty
- Have merchandise inventoried in basement
- improve my blog- two ads and some decent traffic- 10 people a month
- Begin downsizing possessions in consideration of moving into a smaller residence or in the home of another person ( early planning= option to have lower rent, tony address while minimizing lost revenue from possesions) Have regular schedule of setting up at FM and YS's
- Increase credit union EF by $200
1 Year goals ( June 07)
- Have MA plan in place
- Stupid debt completely obliterated
- Side business established ( bringing in enough to cover bills while in MSW program)
- wear 14/16
- Home completedly decluttered with maximum profit
- Fully fund new merchandise account- July purchase plan
- Second car ( SW) completely reconditioned.
- EF funded at 3 month ( $3,000)
- RK fund established ( $1500 end target)
- RK date set
- Planned vacation - fully funded
- Have plan for move to more affordable/ centrally located residence ( under $500 monthly- currently paying $600 a month for 1 bedroom)
- Maintain debt free lifestyle-NO MORE STUPID DEBT incidences
- Retirement plan on track with $50,000
- Second and third income established
- $1,000.000 acount balnce at $10,000
- Maintain 14/16 size- looking good
- All electrolysis complete
- Maintain great wardrobe with minimum expense
- Have MA completed with no debt
- Good marriage to the right person
- European vacation
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Still procrastinating
Here it is Sunday and I am still at home. I started out doing good last night and then started reading more PF blogs. I accomplished very little. I did knock out a few chore and I have caught up on some of my paperwork due first thing in the morning. My goal was to be completely caught up and to spend time with my family.
Today's focus: Thriving at work.
POA ( Plan of Action)- Focus on paperwork and time sheet for work 45 minutes at a time. Then take a 15 minute break.
breaks will consist of setting a timer for 15 minutes and completing chores full throttle. Some of you may recognize Flylady.
lets see how I do.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Money Saving Strategies
- Use a fan instead of AC as long as possible ( I take a shower as soon as I come home and rinse off a few times during the day when I am at home- the evaporation is very cooling)
- Currently eating out of freezer and pantry. I have way too much stored away. it is not a bargain if it rots.
- Not buying any new clothes,
EXCEPT a few from my church yardsale. So far I have spent almost $20 and I have aquired enough shirts ( mostly white) to finish out my current size's wardrobe, most of my next size and a few more for the last size in my goal. I consider then a wise investment. There is also brand new skirt in the style I was going to attempt to sew from material already on hand. At .50 it was worth buying it rather than making it. The amount I invested in these clothing items will pay off in a few ways.
First, it allows me to have nice work and casual clothes right now. I don't need or feel tempted to buy items. Second, I can stretch next season's clothes without paying retail. Third, I have better quality on several items than I would have spent had I purchased retail. Fourth, the higher quality last longer and gives a good a good impression. And finally, it all goes to a good cause.
The $20 includes a few household items such as a brand new pack of unopened razors and some new in the package luxury soaps. The soaps were cheaper than less luxurious ones on sale with a coupon, on double coupon Thursday. lol
I also bought a brand new leather jacket for my sister. shhhh, it is a gift for helping me on a project. :) cost of jacket $1.00. Yes, One dollar! She will be very pleased. Taking my lunch to work
- Budgeting my mileage reimbursement for gas, ins. and maintenance and toward the purchase of a new car in the future. I really need to stick to this.
- minimizing eating out
- Creating as many free to me Christmas gifts as possible
- Utilizing Mypoints for one sister's Christmas present.
- Placing a quarter in a jar everytime I save money- This money goes in my hidden EF account
- Working on an aphgan out of leftover yarn. During the winter it will assist with keeping my heating bill lower. Other pluses include, This aphgan will be disposable ( I won't feel guilty about tossing it later), uses up leftover yarn I can stand to throw away and it will keep me entertained on boring nights while I work on it.
- SLOWL Y preparing for my return to Flea Marketing - Extra Income
- Looking at covering the windows that get the most exposure with emergency camping blankets- They are basicly made of Mylar. very light weight and reflective. I just wish they were longer. I bought one at Walmart and the other I found at our church yardsale. :)
- I wasted all the time I had to complete my duties.
- I still need to complete my duties
- I dissapointed my family and hurt my sister's feelings.
- I went back on word to my family. ( hanging my head)
- I took another step toward being unreliable. ( this hurts almost as much as hurting my sister)
- I am taking steps backwards from being a self actualized adult.
- I am reinforcing bad habits that lead to further downfall
- When I wate time- I also waste money and other resources
- Basicly, I suck as a person.
Instead of whining, I need to take action. I am currently listing the tasks I need to accomplish. I will be working on these throughuot the day. I will NOT go to sleep ( or watch my only tv show- ER back to back at 10:35 and 11:35- those that know me, know this means I am seriously punishing myself) until I finish each and every task listed. I will then get a decent night's sleep. Get up, go to church, take a peace offering to little sister and spend rest of day with her. Piddly I know, but a step forward.
Why did I publish my short comings? To give myself a little kick in the pants. If I plan on making something of myself, I will have to break these horrid habits. Wasting time, staying up late, breaking promises to myself and others, and destroying my self discipline not only hurt my relationships, they have an impact on my work, self esteem and ultimately my future.
Just breaking the procrastination habit would :
- make me more productive at work, increasing my worth at work and hopefully increasing my earnings- At the very least it would increase my job security.
- give me more time for enjoyment,
- give me more time to manage my money effectively
- allow me time to generate more money
- save me money by allowing me more time to do things myself
- improve my self image
- boost my productivity all around
- eliminate A LOT of stress in my life
As a matter of fact, I can not think of a single con related to eliminating procrastination.
So far, I have made my essential and nonessential list of tasks for the day, and I have marked one thing off already. Excuse me while I go do something productive.
Friday, June 09, 2006
- I have a plan
- My car is pretty dependable with few repairs ( praying it stays that way)
- I am fairly disciplined
- My car(s) must be paid in full
A person would be correct on all points.
Some of you may be thinking, "She is really wearing her car out. What is she gonna do when her car(s) wears out?" I have plan for that also. After my debt has become more manageable, I will have a "New to Me Car Account. ( I am thinking about one of those ING direct accounts)" This acount will be funded through all mileage reimbursements after deducting fuel, insurance and maintenance. After all, Mileage is designed to cover those expenses and the wear and tear on the car itself.And since, I plan to stay debt free for the most part, I feel this will work.
At the point I become debt free, I will have a more agressive "new to me car" plan. This plan works in continual motion. Always have a paid for car, Always have a savings plan for the car and Always get the best deal on the most appropriate car. Drive that car, well maintained as long as realistically possible. Plan B: I also have a second car that will spend more time as a work vehicle as necessary.
First course in the Elephant meal: finish EF. ( I am down to the last bite for that course)
- Financial Security for myself
- To be able to assist my sisters as NEEDED ( one is special needs- the other... well sometimes she can just be an idiot with her head in the sand- but I love her and she has helped me out as she has been able to over the years.)
- Fully Funded Emergency Account ( EF)- currently $900/$1000
- Pay off Credit Card ( CC) 4,700
- Pay off Mortgage/ sell house only owe $16,000 at this time
- Pay off/make right a really stupid error in Judgement ( Stupid Debt) $5000
- Pay ER Dr's Bill $150
- Obtain Master's level degree
- Pay for charged tires on one of my cars ( two cars, both paid for) $500
- Develope personally effective long term Finacial Plan
- Become more approriate to a healthy long term relationship. I know I initially wouldn't want someone with my financial baggage. So if I don't want those traits in a mate then I feel I should cultivate the same responsibility in myself.