I knew it, I just knew. I have had a forboding sense of an upcoming crash and today proves I was right. Not a stock crash, a car crash. And I was at fault.
I was sitting right behind a car waiting on the light so that we both could turn right. I was maybe two foot away.I don't know if my foot slipped or what but all of a sudden I banged right into her bumper. It scratched it pretty good too. Not horrible but not so lightly you could buff it out with some rubbing compound either.
I was hoping she would say," Don't worry about it." But she didn't. And she had every right. I don't begrudge her at all. She was minding her own business and I was the one who scratched her bumper. Luckily, it was a 1999 model.I quickly did the math on higher premiums (I am 4 months away from a spotless driving record for insurance purposes).I offered her $250 cash. I figure that was more than enough to repair the damage and leave her ahead. It also left me with less of a headache and not only stable premiums, but also allowed my premium to drop at the next renewal. Or at least not increase as much. I'll settle for not being cancelled and a continued shot at gaining and maintaining a clean record. In my line of work it is an asset when job hunting
I have had a eerie sense of an upcoming accident and I hope this was it. I am very cautious. I wasn't distracted or even talking on the cell phone. But I am $250 poorer. I took the funds out of my car expense account.
The damage to my car was a busted running light/ turn signal light. Please, oh please, be available at a junk yard for $5 and easy to remove and reinstall.Now I need to come up with some system to recoup the $250. I am thinking something on the lines of for every soda I eliminate, put a dollar in a jar, for every hour I go without a cigarette but a dime in a jar. Those two alone would net me $3-$4 a day. At $3 a day, it would take me about 84 days to pay off this accident. Hmmmm
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