Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 119- VERY Frustrated

I have yet to have my biopsy due to no one to drive me home from the hospital even after local anesthetic.

The medical bills are beginning to pile up. I now have to have new mammograms done because the quality was poor on the first two sets. UGH all of that will be out of pocket!!

My Stupid Debt is a little closrer to being taken care of but not much. my focus this week and next to is to get all of that completed.

I am trying to lose weight. Nothing drastic at the moment. Just cutting out junk and adding healthier choices.

All of these medical expenses are adding up to about $2500 out of pocket so far. I was scheduled to be debt free by the 4th of July. I can kiss that good-bye. I f I work my butt off, I might be debt free by the end of the year. 9 Kissing butt good-bye-- Cuz, I WILL be debt free by the end of the year.) I just need to get a POA in place.


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Dimples said...

Hi. I found your blog vua D.C.'s blog. Have you tried to see if you can get your doctor bill lowered? There is a company called My Medical Control that can negotiate you doctor bill down. Another blogger wrote a post about it a couple of days ago: http://www.hustlermoneyblog.com/lower-your-medical-bills-with-mymedicalcontrol/

Hopefully you can get a little relief on the out-of-pocket expenses. Good luck with everything.


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