Day 62
From looking at the sweet little Blingy on my side bar, I see I have 9 months and 27 days until my deadline for financial freedom. The goal is to be debt free. The plan is to then start taking steps toward wealth.
This weekend I will be having a small yardsale with my little sister. I want to visit with her and this help us both kill two birds with one stone. let us hope the fortune fairy favors me this weekend. Peace out!
Day 61
YES! I finished my August Challenge. 'Bout time. I need to go ahead and deposit the $80 in the CU account.
I am thinking about the next quarter challenge I want to issue to myself. I am thinking about ....maybe.... raising my long term EF from the soon to be $400 to $500 by the end of the year. Yes, that is the project. Let's see how soon I complete that project.
400 quarters divided by 3 months is 134 quarters a month. Let the frugal fun begin!
Day 57 -Evaluating Projects
The August challenge is finally winding down. I learned a few things from this project. Mostly to take things in stride, learn, be flexible, then move forward.
- Be precise. Set down a measurable goal. I set an amount, a date and a precise goal. -I was trying to save $80 , one quarter at a time all within one month. To earn each quarter I had to save $1 minimum in one action, inaction or substitute. I did not get $80 in one month BUT I did save more than if I had said, " I will save as much as possible." With a precise number it caused me to push, push, push toward that number. When I do this challenge again, I will set my measurable goal with what I learned in mind. I am thinking of raising my long term EF to $450 by Christmas. The previous challenge was part of raising my long term EF to $400. ( I do have the baby $1000 EF but that is separate to my long term EF)
- Set priorities. I have many goals. I choose to prioritize them. As I mentioned earlier, I have the baby $1000 EF. One of my priorities is to have a fully funded long term emergency fund. So after funding the baby emergency fund, I started a long term emergency fund. During this project there were times when it felt like it was a better choice to go ahead and spend some money rather than suffer. An example would be eating out at a cost of $8 when I had good food at home. The problem, it was 8:00 at night and I was starving! I chose to give in at those times. After this went on a while, I have been prioritizing cooking ahead and making food for travel. My current craze is zip lock bags of dry Cheerios . I have a few bags and boxes in the pantry and this has been a great way to use them.
- When choosing a project such as this, make sure you run the numbers well and check all your math. Seems, I was a little off. I knew it was going to be a hard challenge and that I was pushing myself. I discovered my numbers were off but no harm, no foul this time. I lived, I learned.
- Push yourself a little- Know your baseline ability and when you set a new goal consider what environmental factors ( upcoming bills, time restraints, events etc) are most likely to come into play. Then push yourself a little. You can amaze yourself with what you can do when you push yourself. I set more aside during the August challenge than I would have otherwise. I have learned that my EF jar baseline is $40 if I am PUSHING. I learned a few new tricks to saving money. I also improved some of my other personal habits.
- Don't set yourself up for major disappointment. My August challenge was not a failure since the idea was to maximize my saving every day and maximize my contribution to my EF. Be careful, if you are like me, I take not meeting a goal personally. It hurts and can be potentially a de-moralizer. I had to self talk myself out of feeling like a failure. I focused on the progress and the lessons learned.
- Put it in writing. I wrote down in my blog. The next project will include a few extra reminders. Some examples: Post it note on my mirror, specially crafted reminder on the from of my work notebook and a note in my car.
- Accountability- I like to post my goals here on my blog. I also like to post my progress. I love the motivation of being to say I made amazing progress. I accept that at times I will have admit to baby steps toward progress. I will humbly admit to not meeting a goal. If anyone is wondering, I am 6 Quarters away from my goal. I plan to make my $80 deposit this week will bring my long term EF up to $400.
- Be a little flexible. Ok, I did not meet the deadline and those who read this blog know I extended it until I met the financial portion of the goal. In my defense, I did not give up. I chose to continue until I reached the set amount. YEAH ME!
Day 56- Work, Work, Work
In a few minutes I leave to visit a few patients. I still have about 30 patients to see before end of business next Friday. Ugh
Oh well, it will increase my mileage check and make my life next week much easier. There is some crap going on at work and it is not looking good.
You know the kind. The company starts expanding faster than they keep up and in an effort to maximize the input to the owners pocket, salaried people are being given more and more work with no increase in compensation and more criticism since "it's only a few new patients and there are three of you." Multiply that times ten for the month and it is no longer a few patients and most of the new ones are WAY out there, some of them 80 plus miles from the office.
I am determined to shine during all of this. I am focusing more and using organizational tools to make the most of my time. Tonight when I get home, I will hold a massive cooking session. This will enable me to have ready to eat meals without needing to eat out. I realize that all the extra money I make with mileage can be easily swallowed up by one trip through the drive thru.The idea is to get ahead not wear myself so there is nothing left to enjoy in life.
Tommorow, I will go see my patient that is the furthest out. her family wants at least a half day besides the hour and a half drive. Under her circumstances, I am willing to work with her.It is a sad case with life long circumstances that would make you break down and weep to hear.
Time to run
Day 55- SD Update
I made a nice little deposit to my SD account. I deposited $1490. My balance is currently $2897.83. I only need $2102.17 and I will be done with this debt.
I also had contact with the representative handling my debt processing. UGHHH She emailed me back after two weeks. Well really a month! I emailed her once and then after two weeks i fwrded the sent copy to her. I was letting her get the hint that she needed to reply and I had verification of the first request for information.
She verified that she had received my processing package. And stated she had been out of the office sick with a sore throat ( for a month?). But she now needed additional information ( information she had supposedly requested previously but never received phhhht) from a third party. :::::::::::::::tapping fingers in an impatient manner:::::::::
The only reason I have not gone off on them is that initially the delay was my fault. Now it seems they are dragging the resolution out as long as I did. I did give them the honest reason for my delay. If I do not have the payoff paperwork in my hands by the time I finish raising the needed money THEN I am going off on them.
According to my calculations, I should have the entire amount by Thanksgiving. That would be a good cause to give thanks, if I sent out the checks to pay off that debt just before Thanksgiving.
Day 52- Thinking
First off, I may have a Pasta Maker coming my way. I advertized for one on Freecycle and someone answered the ad. I won't count it until I have it in hand and know it works. The owner stated he only used it a couple of times and quit using it. I should be meeting him tomorrow.
That would be a big savings. This particular model sells for $150. YEAH I was originally looking at $30 models. Hopefully this one will
The second is that I have been giving thought to feasible ways to bring in extra money. Due to the demands of my work a part time job is almost out of the question. I decided to make my mileage a part time job.
I know... I know, I have posted about my mileage before. Today it just hit me. I could manage my mileage in a manner that would maximize my tax free income. I currently have clients in 5 different counties. I have no plans to do anything illegal or immoral.
I simply plan on maintaining my high case load numbers. by completing paperwork at home and working a few weekends I can maximize my tax free mileage. I am fully aware that the mileage is to cover wear and tear, gas and insurance on my car. There is still a profit due to my car's good gase mileage.
The other issue is that my goal is to pay off my SD as fast as possible. I have nearly half of the needed money. At this rate I will be done with step one of being debt free by Christmas. Step two will be pay off the second portion of my debt and the third step will be to pay off my credit card.
At that point I will start putting ALL of my mileage in an account to pay for my new car, paid in cash of course! And it will not be new. I like 3 year old cars. 50% off the new price and 75% of the life left. Sounds like a deal to me.
Day 50- Learning New Tricks
I am learning to make pasta. While Pasta is relatively cheap. I am always looking for ways to make everything less expensive. One major note: A pasta maker would make it efficient enough to sustain as a worthwhile endeavor.
The time is a big expense. I can see me doing it if I have time on my hands and I am in the mood. But those two issues are far and few between. In a attempt to streamline this issue I have posted on Freecycle for a pasta maker.Free is definately a goal. If not then it will go on my wish list for future purchases and gift requests.
I am counting on someone having a pasta maker just sitting around the house gathering dust and taking up space. I have a pretty good feeling about this one. I am also going to put the word out at work and among my friends that I would give a loving home to an orphan pasta maker.
Besides saving money, the pasta would be healthier. I also understand that fresh pasta is so much better than store bought pasta. As for the saving money, initially it did not seem like that big of a deal. Then when I made some herbed pasta, I realized all those lovely gourmet pastas I love are where I would save the most money.
I also realized it would simplify my kitchen. I already keep bulk flour in the pantry. There is a LARGE basket full of different pastas. By only needing to store the flour and pasta maker I could utilize the space better. Now, if I find pasta at a super cheap I would still buy it for rushed weeks. But being able to whip up a batch is also enjoyable.
I have been looking on ebay. I have to keep reminding myself that The shipping is outrageous ( they are heavy) and I may lose interestt after a while.that and the cost would make it un-economical. I would have to use it for years until it paid off.
Day 49- every little bit helps
I received some good news. My scheduler called yesterday and offered two shops. I can do them on my lunch break and I have nearly a week to get them completed and in the mail.- That will be an additional $40 for SD in 60-90 days when the check arrives. I won't be out any gas because they are right on my travel path for work. All I have to do is pull in, do the shop and drive off- I just have to eat lunch in my car those days.- I can do that for $20 each shop.
My employer announced they were working on an incentive to assist employees to quit smoking in honor of November National Smoke Out. I made the decision to take this offer and seriously dedicate myself to successfully completing it. So far the offer is only "possibly" free patches.
I am still going to do it. I would then save $1500 a year and $1500 a year ( tax free since it is a savings) is a good thing.
I added new tires for my car to the shopping list for next year. That should be covered in my mileage budget. BUT I have been pulling excess each month for payment toward my SD. I don't want to get blind sighted so I went ahead and added the tires into next years shopping list, right under a crockpot. If the SD gets paid off on schedule and I don't need new tires before I set the money aside again- then I'm that much further ahead.
I also added a note to both the crockpot and the tires. I think I know where I can score a free crockpot. And I know that if I remain vigilant I can find a great deal on tires before I need need new tires. This is key,to saving a nice little chunk o' change. If I wait until I need tires, I may not find the best deal. I just need to monitor and research.
The goal is to time the best deal as close, to needing the new tires, as possible. LOL. I am laughing at myself because I use to drop $500 every year on a set of tires in a heartbeat.
I am preparing a little experiment.
I have been receiving free grocery items and other things lately. So anything that must be used soon is put into immediate rotation. Any items with distant expirations is being set aside. In January, I am going to see how far into the month I can get without spending any of my own income.
I have enough personal hygiene products already. And I believe I already have enough groceries to get through January. This will be a fun little experiment. More in January for sure.
Day 48- Slipping and Sliding
It appears I need to outline a better implementation of wise financial practices. So I am ( again) choosing a wise financial practice and focusing on the implementation of that skill until it is a way of life.
For the remainder of this month and throughout October I will be focusing on posting my expenses in my spreadsheet. I find that when I am continually accountable, I do better cutting back.
Good news, yesterday gas was $2.34. By the end of the year it may be down to less than $2 again. That would be great.
Day 46- WOW - A 5.39 % increase in Net Worth!
I updated my Networth. Even ofter a few charges to CC, deducting $25 each from the value of both of my cars, not having made a deposit to my official emergency account because I am still working on the challenge from August and sitting on a $245 deposit to my SD account.
I started tracking my networth in June. Since then my net worth has increased over $5000. Not bad for my salary and situation.
I have strong indicators that October's update is going to be verrrry good.
My checking account for expenses is twice what I need it to be to be stable. I am going to deposit $1000 of the current excess and put it along with the $245 in my SD account. There should also be a deposit from my next yardsale with my little sister. That will in all likelyhood be less than $100 but it all adds up.
I should also be making a $80 deposit to my official emergency account. That will bring it up to $400. The August challenge is finishing up nicely.
Today, I had a killer windfall. Someone was moving and I got a whole car trunkfull of canned goods and such. I would say that the total value was close to $100. That will stretch the grocery budget.
Taking a Little Moment
YEAH- I checked my paperwork and I can see these two patients next week. :)
Adding the countdown to Financial Empowerment on my blog has me thinking. Today it reads,10 months and 19 days. I am thinking about what will change when it reads "0 days, 0 months," etc.
Here is a few of the changes I envision:
- Extra money from mileage will go toward a new (to me) car.(This should take 3-5 years to save for, but could be swung if absolutely needed)
- I can go to graduate school after setting tuition aside.
- I an be less frugal with groceries IF I want to do so.
- I won't be stressing as much about how to make my two cars last.
- I can have a real entertainment budget.
- I can clean out the closet a little ( or not)
- I can start to build a new wardrobe ( actually that should start in June when we begin peparing for the big annual yard sale at church.- but it won't be dependent on the YS finds)
- I can build a relationship without worrying that my significant other will find out about my stupid debt.
- I can forget about my SD and the consequences I could face.
- The biggest will be- I won't be scrimping because I need to, I will continue my frugal ways because I want to do so.
- I can start saving for a European vacation. that would be nice.
- I can take vacation days at work and not worry that I will need them and can't take less than a full payday.
- I can ...
- I can...
- I can...
Day 42- Small Things and New Things
Check out new addition to my blog. It is in the lower portion on the right hand side of my blog. I love it. For those wondering, the "Financial Empowerment" is the point where I feel I will be debt free with the possible exception of my mortgage and I will be stepping off into wealth building.
I won't be financially independent but I will definately be taking steps in that direction. Goal is for July 27th 2007. August1st 2007 is going to be a very good day.
So far today has been ok. I received two Burt's Bees products that I can add to gift stash and they were free.I am thinking they will go in a cute large glass mug with a few other items, some candy and wrapped in cellephane with a bow.
I also recived some free ornaments. Some I will use to embellish gift packages. They are sooo cute and in excellent shape. Again, Free!
I deposited my paycheck this Friday and brought home the mileage portion. That was over $600. After deducting this month's and last month's car insurance, gas money for the month ( in envelopes), and my misc money ( $50 for unexpected purchases), I have $245 to put toward stupid debt. I will need to make that deposit this week. A nice plus is that when my car insurance bill comes in, I already have the cash to pay for it.
I have eaten at home all this weekend and so far have not even driven the car once. :)
I found a free item on Craig's list. I will be picking it up today as I go out and check on a few clients.
It seems tonight I will be pulling an all-nighter to get all of my paperwork finished. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Being employed is an intergal cog in my debt free plan.
Day 41
Work is looking a little better but remains incredibly hectic.
I am considering taking part in a yardsale this weekend. Saturday, I can set up near a grocery store. We'll see what happens. I do know this, I need to really focus on bringing in extra money.
Currently, I only have 85/125 needed qtrs for my August challenge. I am plodding along. When I finish this challenge from August. I plan another one. It prods me to save more.
I plan to updat my Net Worth over the weekend.
Day 38- Back From a Long Weekend
I am back from a long weekend.
Here is the update:
I am $77 richer. Not the $300 I was aimimg at but better than a fat lip. I will be doing this with my sister for the next few months. All proceeds will be directed toward the prioritized debt.
I was able to get rid of some clutter. I was able to move some of my other belongings to storage ( free). I got a brand new rubber maid hamper/ trash can with a flip lid ( free). I received 2 bottles of Ivory handwashing ( laundry) detergent ( free).
I bought an adorable Asian parasol for $2. I have been wanting one and it was brand new.
I stopped at a bent and dent and picked up a few great deals. I did not stock up as I am trying to clear out the pantry. I was able to purchase spaghetti at .25 a box. Too bad there were only two. I bought a box of snack crackers (45 packages of 6) for 6.00. That averaged out to less than .15 for each one. Lemaon bars as a treat, .50 for 6.
I normally buy these for snacks when I am working so I know I saved a big chunk of change right there. The secondary savings was that I will not need to run into a store to pick one up. That will cut out a lot extras bought on the spur of the moment.
Added note: I skimmed by on the skin of my teeth. My time sheet is in but my paperwork is still behind.
Day 34- Beat down, But Not Out
I cannot believe I saw 12 patients yesterday. That was close to 300 miles in one day and some serious hotfooting it. Why??? Because I had to. They had us in the office the first 4 days of the month. And then one case took up all of one week and most of another. I still saw about 50 patients. Sheeze.
At least my bosses were grateful. I would have been hacked off if they had not even verbalized it. They also knew I was trying to head out of town so when another emergency came up at the last minute they did not even bother me, they called in someone else. DANG- I have never had a boss show so much respect for my time . I need to remember to write up a positive report and send it in to be put in her file.
I also received a praise report from a client. That I hope was put into writing and placed in my permanent file. All of those praise reports add up come raise time. Still, next week is going to be a PITA. I am way behind in my paperwork and time sheets are do FIRST thing Tuesday.
Gotta run, I still need to drop off the cell phones for return.