Thursday, July 13, 2006

Laptop Resolution

I paid for it. I went into the corporate office and handed over a check for the full amount. The only thing left is to wait until a new one is received and turned over to me. It will be nice to have a new laptop for work. Too bad I had to pay for it. A hard lesson learned.

I took the money out of my general expense account. Due to scrimping and saving, I have enough to cover my expenses and the replacement.

Ouch, that is going to take a big bite out of my net worth at the end of the month. Definately not looking forward to seeing a dip in my net worth already.
I am holding myself accountable to replace that amount in my general account. I could have funded one third of a semester in graduate school with that money. I could have paid off one fifth of my SD. I could have done a lot of things with that money.

So I need to add $786.63 to my goal board. -- Done. I replaced the goal of $500 to buy new clothes with the $786.63. On one hand that means that on paper it is costing me less than $300 to replace the laptop.

In reality this means, I have to wait even longer to get new clothes. By the time I reach the other savings goals prioritized ahead of the new wardrobe, I will just be getting started replacing the money I used to to pay for the laptop. :::sigh:::

I will still be in need of new clothes. Some of the clothes I am currently wearing are already several years old. They will be even older before I can replace them. Ironically, I still receive compliments on them, so they must have been good choices.

A conservative estimate was that it would be a year before I was in a position to spend money on clothes. I had placed this category in that position to time with entering graduate school.

I am glad I purchased what I did at the T&T. They will definately help stretch out what I own. Guess, I'll need to fire up the old sewing machine for a few more basics.

One stroke of luck is that my employer allows me to use the work computer for personal use when not at work. How cool is that??

One of my wise co-workers stated she thinks the girl who hit my car took the computer. Co-worker has a theory that party girl or her friends took it to raise money for their life style.

I doubt it though, but it does have me wondering. She is a party girl, sleeps late, doesn't seem to work and has no sense of responsibility. After the conversation where she told me she and her friends recently "decided" she is not responsible after all, it would not be that big of a leap for one of them to see it in my car and take it. If her lifestyle includes drugs ( I don't know that it does.), then theft might be in her and/or her friend's repertior. Ehhhh, I still doubt it.


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