Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Update on Laptop

The total is $786.63. I will take the payment in to the office tomorrow.

The owners stated they were very appreciative of my attitude and sense of responsibility. I was appreciative of the fact that they did not fire me or write me up.

They were actually very nice about it. They stated that things happen and that it would not reflect badly on me at all. In fact it would never be brought up again. I was told that they had come to know me in the time I had worked for them and that I had demonstrated an excellent sense of responsibility and ethics. They went on to say they were appreciative of the fact that my biggest concern had not been how to get out of paying for the computer.

After dealing with the woman who got smashed and decided to share the smash with my car, I can see why they were impressed. To me it was just the right thing to do. Why is this so odd??

When I have kids, I hope I raise then with a decent sense of responsibility. I will probably be that mom who calls the police to turn my teenager in and then stands crying with my "baby" waiting on the police to pick them up. When I bail them out I will hug them and then beat their butt.


At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

At 3:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested or and


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