A look back at this week July 3-9
Par for the course, it has been a mixed week.
As a recap:
The good:
*I managed to take my lunch one day
*I made sweet tea for most of the week. Saved $5-$7 on soft drinks. I could have done sooo much better.
*I saved a ton by getting to my mechanic just in the nick of time. ( I did not panic at the $70 bill because I had the money for my tags and I have my mileage budgeted for such expenses.
*I opened a new account with a $25 certificate. I won it two years ago and just now got around to using it. I was fortunate they allowed me to use it at all. I decided to use this one for auto expenses.
*Another person looked at the house and stated they would look into financing. We'll see.
*The T&T event for the Fourth of July is over!! ( I spent and saved a lot. I saved more than I spent.)
*My sister reimbursed me for what I bought her at the T&T.= $25 out of the $103 I spent. All of the jeans fit and she loves each one of them. She is more than thrilled. She told me she was proud of me. Awwwe, does my heart good. We tallied up a conservative estimate of how much she saved with the jeans I bought for her. She normally spends $40 and up. That would have been at least $400. After figuring tax we decided she saved more than $400 just with 10 pairs of jeans that cost her $10)
*My dad sold a pair of boots for me. $5 toward stupid debt. ($35 out of $4000)
*I finally received communication from one of the persons responsible for handling my SD. Although after two weeks she only communicated that she was no longer handling my SD. I had already discovered this when I followed up with corporate after two weeks and no communication from her or her supervisor.
* I left a message for the new SD girl- after a week, no repsonse. Sigh... I am gonna have to follow up with her and then contact her supervisor if I do not hear from her by this time next week. I am proud that I am following up on this so well.
* I was able to finish more of this SD paperwork. I now have everything completed but what I absolutely need to talk with my representive about.
* I received the estimate for repairing my car. I only need to copy it and give it to the girl who hit my car.
* My family is having a yard sale and I am included. I boxed and priced some merchandise while I was at their house. I have boxed some merchandise here at my house but need to gather and price more. They are having a 3 week yard sale and my goal is $50 in profits. All will go toward SD.
* I finished yet another Christmas. The only gift I definately need to finish is my dad's. I am trying to save enough Mypoints to earn enough Gift Certificates to pay for his gift.
* My sister is doing better at being frugal- Not great, but the change is progress. I will continue to work with her on this issue. Some of you remember that part of my fanancial goal is to be able to assist my sisters. One is intellectually challenged and the other is a financial planning dingbat. The more I can help Dingbat help herself the better. Yes, I know calling someone a dingbat is ugly- in our family it is a bit of a pet name. Her other is just plain Brat.
* I am planning next week's meals in order to save money. I already have the meat out for the next 3 days.
*I am slowly increasing my discipline.
* I picked up a few more items to sell ( no cost- someone was downsizing)
The bad:
*I managed to take my lunch only one day.
*I ate out far too much.
* I have not progressed much on the SD. I had hoped to be closer to sending in the paperwork than I am at this moment.
I did not get my tags and will need to mail them costing me $4 extra dollars. ( a girl could do worse.)
I left a message on the door of the girl who hit my car- no response even though I know she has been home. Hmmmm, I need to really get on this this week.
* I did not get signed up for the CEU class on Ethics. I really need to organize my licensure material. no licensure = NO JOB= NO $$$$.
* I only put $5 toward my Stupid Debt (SD)
* I have been daydreaming about a trip to Europe. I need to stay focused on my current goals first.
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