Sunday, July 02, 2006

2 Days and Counting

2 More days til the big event of T&T.

Sunday I bought:

Matching red sweater to the red sleeveless sweater I bought Saturday. I now have the twin set for a total of $1

Nintendo game player for my sister. The trick is to now find Nintendo games for my sister to play. She will reimburse me for the game but the trick is now to find the games she wants cheap. She wants Mario Brothers.

Hazelnut Cream candle barely used. Normally $4. I paid $1. I can not tell you how much I love those candles.

Bag of 12 votives- .50

Gift hangy thing that is very popular in my profession Looks Brand New, Cost= .50 For my intermediate supervisor at Christmas or when I think she need a pick me up.

Cooler for my car- dang it- You know,I will find the one I can not find $2.00- At least I can carry more drinks and quit spending $3-$5 a day on sodas and water.

And my personal favorite-- A brand new in the box Dirt Devil Handheld. I can now vacuum my car and NOT spend $1 every few weeks- Cost= $1- after the first vacuuming, I am clearing a savings :) My car has been desparatelt needing a vacuum and aI have been too cheap to make the purchase.

2 bottles essential oils for my home .25 total :) I love the scents. They are tangerine peel and cranberry. They are both delightful. And both are full. The price tag says Body Shop $7. As if I would pay that much.

And last I purchased a silver heartshaped potpouri satchet thing. It looks brand new. I will use that as a gift for one of my co-workers.

I also brought home a bag of matching clear hangers. They are two part hangers. one hanger hold the top and the attaching clip hanger hold the bottom. They can also be used separately. These will be useful for organizing my clothes for the week. Cost? Free

Thank Goodness we only have two more days. One more day to set up and then the day of the sale. I'm not sure my budget can hold out for long with these kinds of bargains. LOL I say that half jokingly.

As a reminder of how rewarding yardsales and volunteering can be:

I have picked up the needed items to round out my current wardrobe and 3 sizes down. I have purchased clothing that was better quality than I might have purchased on my own. Even at thrifts and on sale or clearance I could never have purchased as many pieces as I have for only .50 each.

I have picked up brand new gift items for low pennies on the dollar. This is probably the second largest savings next to the clothing purchases.

I picked up items my little sister was wanting to purchase. I was able to assist someone near and dear to me Purchase items they needed and wanted for pennies on the dollar.

My sister now owns a handheld Nintendo and a stationary, hooked up to a tv Nintendo. She also has all the jeans she will need for probably the next year, hopefuly longer. I also purchased her a new bathrobe and a few tops- she hasn't given me feedback as to whether she likes them or not.

I was able to pick up several items that will save me money. Among those are a stack of 50 disposable bowls .25, Brand New Dirt Devil Handheld $1, Candles in my favorite scent I would have purchased eventually $1, etc.

Why all the post related to my church yard sale. Because it is evidence of how you can save by being creative in your purchases. Think ahead, look at all your resources and unlike me be disciplined in your purchases. Actually, I don't think I did all that bad. I just felt like I was spending a lot on too many things. When I break it down most items were very wise investments. That being said, I will be relieved when the sale is completely over. I and the rest of the lovely ladies are exhausted.

Should I tell you I have already started my wishlist for next year's Trash and Treasures??


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