Saturday, July 01, 2006

July 1st

A little report on how the last month went.

Interesting, definately, interesting.

  • Let's see. I had two car accidents. One was my fault and one was a drunken chick's fault- drunk did far worse damage to my little sports car. My poor little bargain, no payments, that gets 30 MPG and has 160K miles on it that I was planning on getting 300K miles out of before I retired the sweet little thing sports car. :::sniff:::: ( this had to be the low point of the month. I am hoping she pays off and it becomes a blessing)
  • I was able to purchase several outfits and articles of clothing to compliment other other items in my wardrobe from my church's T&T sale for only .50 each. I have to say I think this had the most positive effect on my future budget. I should not have to buy any clothing for the next year with the exception of special events. I think I have special events covered. Estimated cost was $30. This included 4 full outfits, a couple pairs of pants, skirts, several blouses that will round out and extend the life of other separates I already own, two wallets ( new), and a few VERY nice purses. All items were good quality and some still had tags. I was also able to pick up a few new toiletries for pennies on the dollar. Give and you shall receive :)
  • I finished off two Christmas presents ( sisters) and one Birthday gift (father / August).
  • I had a nice surprise in my last paycheck. I was actually paid for some of my overtime.
  • I received enough mileage to cover my gas for July, insurance and almost all of my car tag expenses. The tags are due in July and will run $125- $150. AND I received an assignment for next Friday in the town where I pay my tags. Mileage will cover the over an hour drive and I can pay for my tags during my lunch break. Not huge savings but definately good savings. The first mileage check for July will cover the last of what the first did not cover, which will be minimal and the rest ( several hundred) will be put aside toward Stupid Debt. :)
  • I improved my lunch carrying skills.
  • I am more aware of my spending and the impact each expenditure has on my future.
  • I finished a baby step of having $1000 EF and was able to restart my long term EF. The long term only has $320 in it as of today. I will continue to work on that.
  • I started the next step of paying off my Stupid Debt. I have the paperwork and I am trying to make contact with my go-person. By end of August, I should be well on my way toward paying off that $5000 in Stupid Debt. OH, I also discovered I may not really owe $5000. The $5000 was an estimate anyway. I discovered I had payed a portion of it already but forgot. All I can say in my defense is that I have truly had an evenful last 5 years that has been more stress than I could have ever imagined. I take full responsibility for my inaction and I am going to pay this debt in full including penalties and interest. ---True cost may be $3000. How much do I have set aside specifically for this debt? $30 That is like what? 1%? Here I come next 99%. ....hmm that means every dollar I set aside = 1/30th of a percent. Definately, will keep that in mind every time I want to spend a dollar.


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