Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Baseball, apple pie and hot dog, it is over! The Trash and Treasures adventure is finally done. Till next year that is. Our final total= $20,300. Yes, twenty thousand three hundred dollars.

I woke up sick and was not able to be there for the opening. I will save all the gory details of the sickness. But by 1:00 pm I was feeling better and went in to help. I even did my victory cheer for everyone when we got the total. I wasn't at my best. Which is a real shame.

I do a really good V-I-C-T-O-R-Y cheer for a 36 year old woman. And reaching this goal was worth doing a public cheer. I was doing good but was still a little weak and I lost my balance on the Y. I had to extend a foot and it looked more like victorx not victory. Next year will be a bigger goal and a better cheer. Maybe by then, I will be able to record it and have it on this blog. If I work really hard I may be here cheering for attaining a big personal goal and for our church attaining a major goal. I know our leaders and the ladies working were very proud!

Last year we did $16000. Our leader sets the goal higher and higher each year. I love that about her. We were looking good as far as presales ( workers get to buy during set up as a reward for all their efforts)and our leader decided $20,000 was our goal. We had a special blessing Monday night that our efforts would be rewarding and the proceeds would be effective were they were sent. This is charity after all. Well, that was one heck of a blessing because it did the trick.

I'll make a little confession here, since none of you know me and I could not gain from this in any way. I was prepared to top off the total for up to $1000. Reaching $20,000 meant a lot to me and if we had been $1000 or less from reaching that goal, I would have topped it off. When we were doing the final count I approached the leader and quietly told her If we were close I would donate to reach our goal. At that point I though we were only going to be in the $19,000 range. They did not need me after all and I feel a little stupid for making the offer.
For those wondering, My final cost for all the items I purchased this year from T&T was $103 I am sure I will spend more next year, but it will be pre-budgeted.


I am also considering dabbling in E-bay. Last night when I was browsing for ER season one, I checked out my paypal account. I have $74 in credit from a purchase lst year that went bad. My first thought was to transfer those funds to my checking account and put it toward debt. Then I realized that I could "invest" the $74.

As with most investments, there is the risk of losing money. I am toying with using the $74 to pay listing fees on eBay. I am also conscious of the fact that I need to wait on this venture for several reasons. Some of these are: I have a lot going on right now and I need to ensure I can handle business appropriately, I need to learn more about how to do business on eBay and summer is not the best time to venture into eBay as sales are better come fall or so I hear.


A very positive note:

Another person looked at my house and they are supposed to be trying to borrow the money. My dad quoted them the lowest price at which I was willing to let a different buyer purchase it. I wanted to make more and this price is lower than what I paid for the house BUT I need to get rid of this house and it would free up that house payment not to mention the interest I loose each month. The house is soon going to be needing a new roof. The biggest plus to selling the house is that even after paying off the mortgage, I would have enough to be instantaneously DEBT FREE. The last point is not the big motivator. The roof and the fact that the house is actually costing me money each month that I will not be recovering are the two leading motivators. The House MUST GO!


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