Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Almost Cried

Yesterday, someone stole the my work laptop from my car. I had to report it stolen today. So far my bosses have been very decent about it. I have yet to hear the owner's response. He is going to freak. I can not tell you how bad I feel. I would have felt less horrid if the laptop had been mine.

Don't get me wrong.I would have been furious. I HATE theives! But this did not even belong to me. Even worse, it belonged to my boss. It was for my use but this was purchased by the company that pays my salary and I am responsible for the loss of a very expensive piece of equipment.

If they ask me to replace it, I will feel a little better. At least I replaced an older laptop with a new one and the company is no worse off. I will have a lot less guilt on my consciouse. I am hoping they are insured, but then I will always feel bad. I was the one who LOST ( had stolen) a laptop. I did not lose it, it was stolen. It was still my responsibility to maintain possession of it.
I am actually quite sick about this.

So far I have :
*had my car damaged twice in the last few weeks. The person who damaged my car does not look like they are going to pay the damages and is dodging me.
*I had a blow out on a good tire today, while I was in a B-A-D neighborhood.
* I will probably need to buy a rim.
*My spare was not MY spare and did not fit my car.
* I had $85 tow bill for 7 miles.
*I now have to drive my gas drinking second car until I can get another tire on the other car. Which will be pretty quick.
*And to top it all off, someone STOLE my work computer. This is not going to reflect on my responsibility well at all. I look like an idjiot.

How could things be worse? Well, for starters, I could be up to my neck in debt and living paycheck to paycheck. These expenses could have put me in dire circumstances. As it is, my goals have just been trampled on and I will need to readjust. AND earn the trust of my employers back. :(
I am sick, just sick about it.


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