Saturday, July 15, 2006

Cutie Car Cost Per Mile

How much has it cost me to operate one of my cars?

Purchase price + Financing =$14,000
Insurance for 6 years =$4,400 ( includes ins. to end of this year)
Gas ( 110K miles/30mpg =3667 gallons of gas x $2.50 average) =$9,667
Insurance for 6 years =$5,500 Holy crap!
Repairs/ maint. etc =$2900
Tires =$1,200
Tags, registration etc =$750 =$38,417/110,000 miles
=.35 a mile

I wonder, just how little per mile I could possibly go on this vehicle? I am amazed by the total cost. Some people spend that much on the purchase price alone.

Some numbers I guestimated, as I do not remember some total costs. I guessed on the high side. Another note, The majority of the miles have been reimbursed as mileage.

2 years @ $400 per month ( average)=$9600.
$28,817 ($38417-$9600)/110,000= .26 per mile

This makes me want to keep the car until I can get the cost of the car down to less than a dime a mile. With gas at the price it is now, I doubt it. Although, with the majority of the miles reimbursed, it may be possible. I will have to do the math on this at a later date. I may also do the math on the my other vehicle.


At 3:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested or and


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