Sunday, July 23, 2006

Plans For A Comeback

Lets see. I had to pay for a laptop stolen from my car= $800
My car was broken into but still runs and no windows broken= -$800 value on the car.
My other car was hit. Their insurance is sending me a check= $1066

I owe $4000 in stupid debt. I have $222 set aside. I will add the $1066 to that for a total of $1288 to put toward SD. That leaves $2,712 for my SD goal. I plan to have that down to $2000 by the end of August. You know, just seeing those numbers make me feel better.

I called my cc company and lowered my auto pay to $100 a month instead of $500. I have not charged anything on the CC since February. I only owe $3467.59. My minimum payment is $81.78. the monthly finance charge last month was $42.78. I also had my card number changed due to the break in to my second car this week. Just in case the number was laying around somewhere. I am sure it wasn't, but better safe than sorry.

I am putting the CC payoff on hold until the SD is paid off as it has the greatest potential to bite me in the butt. While I will be making very very little headway with the CC. It is important to get rid of the SD first. If I can put $500 toward it each month until the end of the year, I should have it gone. I can easily pull $500 each month out of my mileage check and I am taking $400 out of CC repayment so that will help.

The SD paperwork goes in the mail in the morning! I have everything ready to go. I have put some older stamps in my purse so I will not even be out that amount. YEAH !!! I should have it back by Sept 1st and I will know all the numbers I have to work with.

I also spoke with my sister. We are planning a yardsale at a couple of different locations within the next few months. My goal is to sock away another $1000 by the end of the year through outside sales. This will include yardsales, individual sales and whatever else I can think of. I am calling AOl in a few minutes and see what I can work out with them.

I made another gallon of tea. I cleaned out the fridge. After I wipe it down one last time, I am putting things back in an order that will help me use up what I have on hand.

I will be disciplined in my taking lunch and drinks to work. Monday, I have a luncheon and CEU opportunity. CEU is Continuing Education Credit. I have to have 30 every two years to renew my professional license. This is not only a free unit it includes a free lunch. While the free CEU was the deciding factor, the lunch is nice.

I am handwashing bras tonight. I seem to have established the habit. I highly recommend it. The hot water in a washing machine is hard on the elastic and spandex in them. The dryer even more so. If I end up machine washing, I hang them to dry.

Even after all these plans, I hate to see the dip I am going to have in my networth. I was truly hoping to somehow salvage this month.


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