Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 83- 9 Months, 6 Days

Where has all the time gone?? It seems like just a few days ago I started this blog and just yesterday that I added the 1 year challenge. In the time since I started this blog I have accomplished some amazing feats!

As many of you have read I finished setting aside $5K for a very stupid debt.. Not only that, I have gained more self assuredness about my ability to meet goals and to prosper. I can now see that in less than a year, I will be actually building wealth.

On another note, I am seeing my possessions in a new light. They are not things to use up and replace. They are assets that met my needs. And like all assets you should maintain them.

Of course there are times when one should re-evaluate an asset. Sometimes that assets has outlived its usefuless and there is no appreciable reallocation. Sell the stock, er... coffee table, extra books, too small/large clothes. Use the funds to create greater assets such as LESS DEBT, increased retirement funding, additional transportation that is becoming depleted ( AKA- set extra money aside to pay cash for a new to you car), or take yardsale funds to purchase really nice thrift store or clearanced clothing items.

Another thing I have noticed is that I am becoming less sensitised to what people think. I don't drive my sports car as much anymore. I drive the 4 door wagon because I want to keep the other car nice longer. I don't care as much for the newest clothes. (sorry, Single Ma)

As a matter of fact, I had to remind myself that I need to clear out closets as much as possible in the near future. I have WAY too many clothes and many of them are outdated.

I will go through and size them, sort for how suitable they are for my needs, Select which ones I can liquidate and then pack the ones I cannot currently wear, but will be wearing in the future.

This will allow me to accomplish a few things. I will free up one resource- space. Allowing me to re-allocate that space to a better use. That use may simply be the state of being less cluttered :).

I will also be able to see exactly what clothing resources I have, note what I NEED and assist me in avoiding unnecessary purchases while being my usual cute self. Hopefully, I can pass on a good bargain to someone in the meantime.


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