Day 67- A Little More
My readers will have noticed I have not posted as much in the last few weeks. Work has been busy. And work is a priority. It pays the bills and allows me to sleep pretty decent at night.
Work is also a way I can advance myself financially. Raises add up, I currently pay ony $30 a month for health care and I get a good mileage check. One of the best job perks is that I am not tied down in an office. I am not one to sit still so the fact that a large part of my job is get up and go is good for me.
Doing well in a job is important in other ways. You make connections that can help ( or hurt) you later. If you do a poor job, people notice.And they will not hesitate to let others know. If you do well, then the very least is you might not get badmouthed.
I am going to be making several adjustments to my daily schedule and practices. You will read about a few in the future.
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