Day 71- Net Worth Update
While updating my Net Worth I somehow messed up a couple of previous months. In light of the fact that this is not the first time I have done this, I decided to back up the data and place a printed copy in a notebook. This should come in handy because it is so easy to mess up at that web site. It is also nice to be able to see my progress. I like the fact that the chart is going up a little at a time.
My increase in net worth is 8.95% since last month. After all my corrections, I know I am at least within a few tenths of the correct percentage points. It is definitely at least 8.5%
I went shopping today. I spent $160- $100 of that was an investment of sorts. I ran across clearanced scrapbooking kits. They normally sell for $10. I got them for $3. ( I tried at 3 different times to get them marked down to $1.50 for taking all 29.) The front states they are valued at $30. They are certainly worth more than $10. A conservative estimate would be $15. I'll be selling them for $12. That leaves me wiggle room to haggle or markdown a few when the inventory gets lower.
I am going to try and turn the $100 investment into $300. I took the $100 out of my SD deposit. I was a little nervous about the venture but decided that fear was holding me back. I am trying to extend my investing comfort. Yeah, I know this is not the stock market but it is an investment. I consoled myself that I am sure I can at least recoup my investment .
The rest of my purchases were money saving groceries ( soda @ .50 a 2 lt vs $1.25 at the convenience store), the Desperate Housewives game for my sister ( $10 on clearance vs $20 - she will reimburse me), a gift and office supplies. Oh yeah and a sort of business expense. I saw these darling round tins with clear lid- they are party favors and come in packs of 15. I fell in love with them. They were on clearance for $5. I bought all three packages they had left. I see several possibilities for them. When I use them, I'll let you know the outcome. I have some interesting ideas but I don't want to reveal my ideas just yet.
I ate from home all day yesterday and I put a few items back while I was at WM. I was able to add a little to my current EF jar challenge. As of writing this post, I have 21/400 quarters needed to complete this challenge.
I have got to get on the ball with this challenge. It requires 134 quarters each month. Next year's Quarter Challenge will be daunting also. I am challenging myself to put away $500 in my long term EF throughout 2007. That averages out to 167 quarters a month or 6 quarters a day (all numbers rounded up.)
Over the course of a year, there are more opportunities to save. I add quarters for using; homemade laundry soap ( only for certain items), taking my lunch from home, free meals, mending an item that would cost at least a dollar to replace, making my own gifts as long as I save at least a dollar, having a good day selling,recieving an item of clothing that I would otherwise had to purchase, selling an item for over a dollar that I paid nothing for, finding an honest way to boost my mileage check, making do with a current item or forgoing making any purchase over a dollar. It is fun to purposefully watch it all add up.
Off to do paperwork now, I am behind and I am going to get caught up before I go to bed. I am making myself a promise. I am focusing on paperwork today to the point I WILL BE UP TO DATE BEFORE I GO TO BED TONIGHT.
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