9 Months 18 Days
9 months and 18 days until my goal date for being debt free. As of today, that is what my countdown Blingy reads.
In those 9 months and 18 days I need to accomplish a few things. Here they are:
- Pay off Stupid Debt- As of this week, all I will need is the statements to send in with the checks! I am proud of myself right here. If I do not hear from Ms. SD Handler by Halloween ( receive statements in the mail). I am going to start an aggressive campaign to light a fire under her tail. Since I was guilty of procrastinating, I am setting a deadline of Oct. 31st. I don't want to be too much of a hypocrite.But I am not gonna be a big schmuck on this project either.
- Sell house/ pay off mortgage.My new Number Two Priority- gotta get aggressive. This means all weekends are now tied up. I will either be making money or working on this house, yard and house sale campaign. I need to develope a POA for this project.
- Pay off CC- One of my next projects. This will be right along with selling the house. All additional money after bills and expenses involved in selling my house will be directed toward CC reduction.
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