Day 27- Sometimes busy is NOT good
Work is overwhelming right now. We have a difficult situation with a seriously disfunctional family. I have spent 3 whole days working on this case. I am behind on all my other cases.
So.... The plan is I will work Saturday need to visit two patients. Drive down to my sister's house do a little work for our sale, do a little work on my house, and then sleep. Sunday we will hang out a couple of hours, not long at all and then I'll head home. Seems my boss called a work meeting at 5 freaking o'clock SUNDAY evening. WTF????
It is imperative I have all my ducks in a row this week. It is the end of the month and I absolutely must see the last of my patients. I have two bank shops to do AND this next weekend is the big yard sale. My goal is still $300. I can't make that goofing off. As I previously stated This money is earmarked for SD.
Today was payday. My mileage is still down. All this craziness at work has been cutting down on my getting out in the field. This is bad, Not that I completely depend on my mileage for expenses. I use it to cover auto expenses and what is left goes toward debt. When it is low, I have less to put toward debt.
I ate out twice today. I am still doing good on breakfast.
The young lady I am looking at moving in with for at least a year may have found our apartment. The rent would be $425 each. It is also a luxury ( to me)apartment.
The luxury apartment has me thinking. I can see pressure to upgrade everything after we move in. I mentioned this to her and we are thinking about it. I think our belongings and wardrobe are better suited to a more simple apartment. I am still looking for something in the general area and cheaper. Surely we can find some killer deal on something. There is no deadline for either of us. That said, I still want to get this over with.
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