Saturday, August 12, 2006

Day 14- Plugging Away-

Friday was payday. With my pay envelope, came a statement regarding our Health Insurance/ BCBS. As I began reading the blah, blah, blah, part I started to get a little nervous. It was not looking good. Then I got to the important part. My once free health coverage was now going to cost me $15 a pay period. Not too bad, although I did like it when it was free better.

This is this payday's breakdown
Check = $1093
-mileage $165
-Sept rent $587
- Aug tythe $200
-Aug Food $25
- Qtrs for EF $10
-Nkls/proc $4
- EF deposit $2

With today's extra $2 to my EF account, I have aproximately another $30 to deposit. I am waiting until the jar is full and then I will make the deposit

I had a pretty easy day at work. They don't come often and I enjoyed it. I even got to wear jeans. Which helped keep me comfortable while I saved wear and tear on another outfit.

LOL- yeserday I had an incident that may have retired one of my more versatile tops. It is a white terry cloth long sleeve t-shirt. I was sprayed with clay mud while driving ( my window was cracked about 1 inch) and it is yet to be seen whether the shirt will come out of the oxyclean wash and still be presentable.

The big negative last night was that I came home and took a nap that lasted until 1:00 am. Sheesh- My sister is going to flip on me. So I'm staying up, taking care of some household chores and a little after sun up will head on up to her house. We have plans to make and things to do. We have an upcoming yardsale event and we are going to make some money. We are also going to look into one town's annual 13 mile yardsale. We made good money there one year.

Speaking of money, I am now $4 over budget on groceries and I have $2 left in my dining category. The good news- I am aware of this. My Handy Dandy spread sheet told me so. :) The fun thing about this spreadsheet is I can see daily and category totals at a glance

I have spent $123 on gas so far this month.This tells me a couple of things. 1) I really need to step it up in the mileage department. I like to bring home $800 a month in mileage. At this rate I need to drive 1500 miles next week just to meet my goals ( that's not very likely). FYI- $400 of that is to apply to SD. I will be SOOO glad when SD is gone. Just writing that inspires me to cut expenses and increase income.

Another good note: I received free products and coupons for free products this week. A couple will be used for baby shower gifts coming up in the near future. My favorite is a $5 voucher for free meat. I am saving that one for when I get the freezer empty. Could come in very handy right after the upcoming move.

What are you planning this weekend to be frugal, save money or make money?


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Single Ma said...

You tithe 18% of your income?

At 12:29 AM, Blogger Casper said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I wish I had that kind of money. I go ahead and take out my taxes for the whole month when I receive my first paycheck. it would be to easy to use it for bills.

This way, I have taken it out of the budget and I don't even think about it.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Casper said...

Taxes... I mean tythes


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