Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 191- Gotta Go, Gotta GO, Gotta Go

Today's focus: Be productive!!! I am getting dressed in a couple of minutes and heading straight out the door, stopping in the office long enought set a couple of appointments and I am OUT the door seeing patients/racking up mileage. THEN I am coming back into the office and completing my timesheet- zoom out the door and heading home. I have to get back home. I am working on organizing and cleaning. I have more merchandise coming in. The better organized I am the more productive I can be.

My goals are to be debt free by the end of the year, recover my out of pocket medical espenses and lay foundation for accumulating wealth.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 190

Biopsy done- everything was ok
Had a heart attack scare- stay in hospital, missed a week of work- Dr. says nothing wrong with me but a non-alcholic fatty liver ( due to fatty everything else lol) I feel better physically than I have in a while but personally I feel like a loser :(

No use whining- I need to kick my butt in gear. I keep saying that and I keep sucking at it. sigh

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I finally found someone to drive me home from my biopsy- sheeze, I feel like NO ONE loves me.
I had to break down and call a gentleman I went out with last year. The bright side is, I will hear his amazing Scottish accent when he picks me up.

I would have liked him to take me and sit with me during the process. I did not feel it was appropriate. I decided to just ask him to pick and drop me off at my front door. No need push my luck or ask him do anything he would be uncomfortable doing. I figure if he wanted to spend time with me, he would still be dating me. LOL

I was napping today, I dreamed I went for the biopsy and everyone else had someone with them but me. One of the nurses came up to me and said. " I'm sorry no one cares abou you." I woke up crying.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 119- VERY Frustrated

I have yet to have my biopsy due to no one to drive me home from the hospital even after local anesthetic.

The medical bills are beginning to pile up. I now have to have new mammograms done because the quality was poor on the first two sets. UGH all of that will be out of pocket!!

My Stupid Debt is a little closrer to being taken care of but not much. my focus this week and next to is to get all of that completed.

I am trying to lose weight. Nothing drastic at the moment. Just cutting out junk and adding healthier choices.

All of these medical expenses are adding up to about $2500 out of pocket so far. I was scheduled to be debt free by the 4th of July. I can kiss that good-bye. I f I work my butt off, I might be debt free by the end of the year. 9 Kissing butt good-bye-- Cuz, I WILL be debt free by the end of the year.) I just need to get a POA in place.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day 98- STRESS and Updates

I am almost at a loss for words to describe what has been going on in my life. ALMOST :)

I had my first mammogram with scary findings. This is still being worked out. I have an appintment with a surgeon next week.

I have about $1000 in deductibles already after having several procedures done.

My goal to be debt free by the 4th of July is looking KAPOOT!

I took a serious look at myself and realized I need to get in shape. I am pathetic.

This week there was a departmental meeting:
Seems one person has been a complete pain in the ass. This same person went and filed a grievous complaint against the nicest person in the department. Same pain in the ass, also saw two other coworkers writing a note back and forth during a seminar. When one person was gone to the restroom, pain in the ass went into her purse and took the note, then claimed she found it in her goody bag. Same pain in the ass is a pathological liar. Luckily I was not involved in any of this mayhem. Heck the note was not even all that bad. It was pretty nuetral.
Come meeting time, PITA was skewered. The one who had her purse invaded turned on me and accused me of trying to run her off and had been talking behind her back.. WHAT?????? I liked and respected her right up to that point. I even made a sincere public apology for unintentionally causing her pain and suffering. I acknowledged that she had a right to her feelings and I was sincerely sorry that my actions had caused them, even unintentionally. I also told her that the only things said behind her back were that we felt she carried her self well, she was very professional and had brought a lot to the table. ( how mean spirited are any of those statements??) She repeatedly spewed venom at me.

Turns out she has a major issue with me. When she personally attacked me for the third time I sat back feeling like a heel. After the meeting when I had time to digest and reflect on the situation, I realized she has a screw loose and I need to watch my back with her. She interprets every action on my part as directly or passive aggressively directed at her.

The following day when she was in our office, I apologized and said that sometimes I am a total bonehead. I explained that one of her grievances ( that I had sent her to the office party ahead of me) was because I knew she started AFTER we drew for secret santa and I needed to stop at the store and find a nice gift because I was trying to make sure she felt included. I had not identified myself because I did not want her to feel obligated to me or think I was kissing up. I just wanted to make sure she was included. She very coldly stated, " I appreciate that." She was very insincere.

She has never apologized for her venomous and personal attack during the meeting. And this was after her giving us a lecture that she had never worked with such unprofessional people and had expected better, that she felt she deserved better and the law dictated she should be treated better. I really thought better of her. I truly expected her to come to me and apologize for her actions. N-o-p-e. I was truly shocked but I have not said a word. I accepted full responsibility and it appears I have been given it deserved or not.

When I am the sanest person in the bunch we are all in serious trouble. LOL

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 65- Pondering a Change

I have not received a new lease for my apartment. It appears the new owners are putting everyone on a month to month. That also raises our rent. I have been looking around. I have seen cheaper rent but in questionable areas. They are not too bad but definately could be better. I may go with one nearby for a year. It would allow me to save more money during the next year. I need to investigate more.

I now have 126/2000 qtrs. That is not bad for having to spend the first month of the challenge catching up on the end of the year challenge.

The shoe challenge is going ok. One pair appears ready to bite the dust. I am going to try to keep them going another month or two. Another pair is showing some damage from washing them in bleach. There are some spots wear the color faded. Luckily these are all black and I can touch them up with a permanant marker. We dress pretty casual at work so they are not really noticed. This challenge is actually kind of fun. I like seeing what I can do to stretch a dollar.

This time last year I was throwing one pair of shoes away each month. I can also remember this time last year, I went shopping and bought about 14 pairs of shoes, most of which were sets of identical shoes. Now I realize I can make those shoes last longer. I have at least 50 pairs of shoes in my closet right now. If I handle them right they may last until my 40th birthday in three years. That is some big savings.

The Nickle Challenge is still slow, but I am focusing more. I keep reminding myself that this is the only way I will get a new computer so I have to get moving. It helps me to get more chores done and be productive. That piggy bank is fattening up.

The Kneehigh Challenge is going ok. There are starting to be a few falling to the wayside but all in all they are doing well. I have dusted off a pair of sneakers and I have started wearing them at least once a week. That has me wearing my old socks out as well. more savings

The Cookbook Challenge is getting started. I have 6 recipes in the book so far. I have been finding several that look good but call for a crockpot. Seems I will have to put that on the wish list. Useful gifts are very appreciated in my house.

The Pantry Challenge is humming along. I am getting better at pulling stuff out the pantry and cooking it. I just need to be more focused on eating it and not cooking too much at one time.

The Summer CC Payoff Challenge is sloooow. I really need to kick it up a few notches. I need to continue to lower expenses and really start bringing in more money to add to the payoff. As it stands, I am paying $500 toward the principle each month. I am still $1500 short of meeting my deadline. One thing I need to do is be more focused on my mileage and job performance. Keeping my job, is number one.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Day 56

Not much going on here at the frugal homefront.

Challenge updates:

Qtr Challenge: I have 79/2000- I need to be over 200 by the end of the month to stay on track.

Kneehighs- going strong-

nickles- slow, very slow- I am lazy!

Pantry Cleaning Challenge- slow, but steady

Shoe Challenge- Going ok- I need to spiff up a couple pair- this weekend is shoe
washing weekend.

The cookbook chllenge needs some work too. it's still early in the year.

I have a new challenge lol- I and a group of friends have set financial challenges for the summer. I am challenging myself to pay off my credit card by the 4th of July.

The sale we had this last weekend did ok. I spent some of the proceeds on MORE groceries. I know, I know... But these items were to fill out menues from other items in my pantry. I spent less than $10 at the bent and dent store.

.25- green chillies x's 2 ( for chilli)
.25- canned peas ( extend tuna salad)
.50 -big box of pasta
.25 -Swanson's beef broth x's 6
1.50 -10 count microwave popcorn
.25- lg can bean sprouts
1.00 canned cherry pie filling-- hey it's for a treat that will actually save me money. {I need to do something nice for a gentleman ;) }

I also picked up 5 mystery shops for the week. That will be an extra $100!