Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Day 25- SCREECH!!!

Ok, I admit I have done stupid. I let paperwork slide at work and today I got BUSTED. I owned up to it. I have a strategy and a plan to add accountability to my work. I also have to meet with one of the owners in the morning. At least it is the calm one.

I deposited a check from Best Buy today. It is the refund from the crappy computer I purchased and then returned. It did not even have enough memory to run WIndows, for crying out loud! That should have never been sitting on the shelf.

I have not called Visa and upped this month's payment to $1550. I need to get on that now........... Ok, I am back. That is now done

I am still stoked because I noted June has 3 paydays. That is an extra $1000 for paying off my credit card. According to my paperwork that still leaves an addition $1000 I need to make materialize outside of my regularly scheduled payments from wages/mileage and the extra $1000 I am throwing at it this month from my checking account. This is starting to look doable before the end of July

Budget Watch
I packed my lunch and was doing well until I got busted today. Luckily my out of budget bounds spending was less than $4. I had a soda and a beef jerky. ughhhhh


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